Google Ads is actually worth for your business?

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Google Ads is actually worth for your business?

Here are some considerations and tips that can serve as a guide in helping you determine whether Google Ads is actually worth it for your business specifically.

#1. What do you want Google to do

We need to start with the end in mind because there are many things Google Ads can do and there are also, decidedly, things it cannot.

What Google Ads cannot do:

  • Guarantee sales or leads.
  • Guarantee the sales or leads you get will be profitable.
  • Steal your competitors’ customers.
  • Put your ads on your competitors’ websites.
  • Get your site to rank higher organically.

The first three are by far the most common things people want Google Ads to do, and it can do, but it’s not guaranteed. The fourth depends on some outside factors. The last, it absolutely cannot do.

What Google Ads can do:

  • Help you show up for people searching for your brand, products, or services.
  • Help you show up for people searching for your competitors.
  • Get in front of prospective clients via audience and persona targeting.
  • Promote your physical store to those in close vicinity to it.

Here are some realistic expectations and you want to use Google Ads to do.

#2. What is your profitability scenario?

No matter what your goals are with Google Ads, there are a number of profitability scenarios you can encounter. Here are some common scenarios. Depending on these scenarios you find yourself in, you might be able to easily identify if Google Ads is “worth it” or not.

  • Directly profitable

In this scenario, you’re making money directly from Google that’s more than you’re spending on the platform. Is Google Ads worth it? Yep. This is a no-brainer.

  • Indirectly profitable

Maybe there are some issues with tracking or your attribution process is a bit unclear. but you can tell Google Ads is making money. Is Google Ads worth it? Likely yes, even if you can’t see it directly in the numbers on the platform.

  • Break even

Here we’re making as much money as we’re spending on the platform. Is Google Ads worth it? This is where you make a judgment,

  • Is the additional value helping your company move product?
  • The sale on the whole ROI positive?
  • Is it worth the additional work for fulfillment?
  • Do you typically have return customers?
  • Likely/definitely unprofitable

For these two groups, the answer lies more in what your desired outcome of Google Ads.

Is Google Ads worth it?

  • Do you want to make money only? Then if you’re not doing that, Google Ads might not be worth it for you.
  • Do you want be sure to show up for local searches only? Then depending on how unprofitable you are, it might still make sense for you to advertise on Google to have the brand awareness.

Are you trying to conquest competitors? These campaigns are nearly always unprofitable, Google Ads still might be a viable option for you.

Arshana Answered question October 28, 2024

Thanks for sharing this Kaveesha Shenal. Breaking down what Google Ads can and can’t do, along with the different profitability scenarios and it’s really helpful. It makes it an easy way to decide if it’s worth it for a business.

Arshana Answered question October 28, 2024