Sutharshana Sooriyakumar364

| Open to new ideas, always.|
Hi Shahana, These are all fantastic points! I'd also add that Giving regular feedback is important for team management. It helps people understand how they're doing and what areas they can improve in.
Hey keerthika, Woah, creating social media posts in one click? Content Shake AI sounds like a game-changer! Have any of you tried it out? I'm curious to see what kind of content it generates. thanks for...
Logeswaran Vishnukanth Wow, thanks for sharing this news! I'm excited about the potential of Gemini and its capabilities. I hope Google prioritizes responsible development and ensures Gemini is used for...
Thanks for sharing this informative content! I really learned something new about The Key Elements of Web design.
Dear Mathusika, Thank you for sharing this topic, It's great that you're exploring the dynamics of team meetings and the different types that can enhance collaboration! While your post provides a concise...
That's fantastic news! Thank you for sharing the information about Meta's new Text-to-Image AI tool, Imagine. It sounds like an exciting and creative platform. This is a great way to reach a wider audience...
Hello Vishnu, Thanks for letting me know about Facebook removing 'Hobbies' from user profiles. I had no idea about this feature, so I'm glad you brought it to my attention.
Thank you, Mathushika, for sharing your insights! Video content enhances engagement and storytelling in online journeys.
Hello Ajenthini, These are useful tips for improving public speaking skills. If I may add one more point, it would be to Prepare Talking Points, Before you give a speech, prepare a series of talking points...
Thanks for sharing This Topic, The provided thread offers valuable insights on increasing Instagram engagement. I added one more point, Analyze Audience Insights for Optimal Timing: Utilize Instagram's...
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