Where do you work more efficiently home or office?

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Where do you work more efficiently home or office?

Do you prefer to work at home or in an office? Where are you most efficient? say your answer and reason for the answer in the comments section.

Puvikaran Changed status to publish June 22, 2021

#Puvi I prefer working from an office. In my point of view, office work is always better than freelance work because in office we can learn several things from different peoples. also, we can learn working culture as well. If we work at home alone, We can’t get good work experience. At the office, we can learn good habits as well. If we struggle, at that time coworkers will help us complete the task or they will motivate us to get more strength.

Sugesh Ahamed Changed status to publish March 10, 2022

Dear #puvi great question from your end. Experts say that work from home gives the more productivity unless we separate the importance of the family and career. In my point of view, we can give the efficiency when we work from the office because the office is the only place where can we learn a lot. There are a lot of people who have the different mentality is in the office. When it comes to home it also gives the efficient work but not more than the office. My conclusion is, the office is the place where we can give the efficient work.

Sugesh Ahamed Changed status to publish March 10, 2022

Puvi , One of the great choice of working in a home if you have the full knowledge in that part and having the resources. but if we face any obstacles, we cannot expect others help.  we should fix that problem without any help. If I’m wrong in this case, the whole project will collapse. This is one of the disadvantages to working at home. But we have the advantages as well. like there are many things to help me to stay focused, avoid interruptions/distractions and manage our time with efficiently.

From the office, we can learn a lot. Not only the works, additionally we can get the experience and grow up our self-reputation as well.

Sugesh Ahamed Changed status to publish March 10, 2022

#Thusha Thanks for sharing your great information.
My suggestion, both are the best place. Because It depends on what I’m doing. However, when I take assignments that require me to be in office, I feel a unique level of connection with people which makes me happy. but sometimes I feel more freedom while working at home. 🙂

Thanks for your suggestions #Ranjini

#Mathushan Thanks for your suggestions.
But my suggestion is both are the best place. If you have any better reason for home is best please let me know.

Thanks for sharing your great suggestions with me #Nigetha

Sugesh Ahamed Changed status to publish March 10, 2022

My suggestion is mostly home is suitable for working efficiently.

Puvikaran Changed status to publish June 22, 2021