What is a Serverless Architecture?

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What is a Serverless Architecture?

Serverless is another technology with architecture where application creators develop applications and execute them in the cloud, without possessing or managing the infrastructure that is required for its creation and functioning. This makes it easier to add or remove instances as needed, an activity the cloud provider undertakes and the instances are managed by the cloud provider while developers write code. Also known as Functions as a Service or FaaS, serverless is a method of running applications that execute in response to events.

Why Would People Deploy Serverless Architectures?

Cost Efficiency: Fees per actual number of executions or by time rather than static allocated CPU and OR resources, avoiding unused amount charges.

Scalability: Comes with enhanced fucntionality of loads balancing that is composed in such a way that it addresses issues to do with fluctuations in traffic.

Reduced Maintenance: You don’t manage your own server, install patches or updates, the cloud provider handles it for you.

Faster Development: freedom to the developers, where they are free to write code and there is no need to worry about backend services as they are pre managed for them in order to cut the time to market.

Application of Serverless Architectures

Event-Driven Applications: Real-time analysis and handling of files, change in format, or calling an event such as an upload of a new file or a modification to the database.

Web and Mobile Backends: Security and identity management in apps, application programmable interfaces as well as management of back end logic for an application.

IoT Applications: Handling and analyzing continuous flow of information that originate from the smart connected things.

Task Automation: Executing tasks on a set date for example running backups, cleaning data, or sending notifications.

Rapid Prototyping: The ability to create and deploy concrete application prototypes to prove the scalability of ideas without the need to establish physical structures.

Indika Imesha Asked question January 23, 2025