What are the differences between Google Algorithm Updates and Google Core Updates

What are the differences between Google Algorithm Updates and Google Core Updates

Most of us interchange with the terms Google algorithm updates and Google core updates, but both are different in various perspectives. Do you know what they are? Let’s see the differences between both terms.

Details Google Algorithm Updates Google Core Updates
Description Algorithm Updates occur daily in the backend which
leads to hundreds of tweaks annually to modify the search algorithm
Core updates occur yearly once or twice with large modifications
to the search algorithm
Purpose Focuses on specific elements such as penalizing poor mobile experiences
keyword stuffing and spammy tactics to dominate search results
Focuses on optimizing the overall search engine to provide accurate results.
Which includes, content quality, user experience and website trustworthiness
Announcement Regular and frequent; most of the updates are not announced officially Once or twice a year
Impact The impact is based on the SEO strategies or tactics followed by the websites.
Some websites might not see any impact but some other websites might face a negative
impact for following spammy or false tactics
Affects on every website and can experience an improvement or a drop in ranking and traffic
Recovery If your website is negatively impacted you should take immediate actions to recover.
Such as; removing duplicate content, optimizing for mobile, and removing spammy links
depending on the update
It requires careful consideration focusing on Google suggestions. Such as; improving content relevance, optimizing for EEAT, User experience etc..

But in Summary, both algorithm updates and core updates main goal is to enhance the search results and provide users with more helpful information.

Verginiya Patrick Changed status to publish September 4, 2023