The Importance Checklist For Image SEO 2024!

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The Importance Checklist For Image SEO 2024!

Image SEO stands for the optimization of images to get visibility and ranking in search engines. Google considers images as a valuable content element. In order to that, we have to optimize the images that when we using in our websites. I’ve mentioned some tips for effective image SEO.

  • Name Your image properly.
  • Resize the images for display formats.
  • Compress the images.
  • Choose the right format like JPEG, PNG, Webp, SVG
  • Alt tags should be SEO-friendly.
  • Makes sure the mobile-friendliness of images.
  • Add image structure data.
  • Add images to your sitemap.

Before we upload the image, we have to make sure to follow these key points. If you want to know more about deeply, visit here: Semrsuh,  Search engine journal

Abirika Soolabanee Answered question April 25, 2024

Yes Keerthiga ,

Yes, you are correct; if you follow these important guidelines, you may dramatically improve the SEO effectiveness of your photographs while also contributing to overall website visibility and ranking.

Nigetha Rajah Answered question April 24, 2024
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