The Helpful Content Update – 7 Things to Focus On

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The Helpful Content Update – 7 Things to Focus On

It Begins!

The “Helpful Content Update” is started rolling out!!!

Many people think this update is all about AI-Generated Content. But, That’s NOT True, Whether it’s Human-Written Content or AI-Generated Content, if the content misses its quality and is not value-driven, it will definitely affect your website ranking.

This update will mainly focus on the E-A-T of the content. E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

7 Things to Focus On Your Content for the Helpful Content Update

1. Keep Your Content Stick on Your Main Topic.
2. Provide First-Hand Experience with Your Content.
3. Don’t Combine Many Topics into One Website
4. Offer Comprehensive Answers To Searchers’ Questions.
5. Pay Attention to The Complete Reader Experience
6. Avoid Answering Questions with Unconfirmed Answers.
7. Do Adhere to Google’s Guidelines For Other Major Updates

“Focus on educating your audience and giving them something valuable.”

What are the potential impacts of this update? Let me know in the comments!

Abirika Soolabanee Changed status to publish September 1, 2022