How to Spot and Avoid Job offers Scams on Social Media

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How to Spot and Avoid Job offers Scams on Social Media

Employment scams take advantage of job seekers by imitating real employment on social Media. They proudly advertise vacancies that may initially appear genuine, however, most of the time, the scammers will lure the victim with attractive offers such as high pay or excessive perks. The applicants, ask for initial payments or personal details for so-called processing fees or background check purposes.

Symptoms of jobs scams on social media

  • Unsolicited job offers: Stay alert and stay away from job offers that are pushed with no prior application.
  • Unrealistically high salaries: If a job advertised on the internet or in a newspaper claims that one will earn a large amount of money but does not demand that one possess any prior experience or education, then this job is most probably a scam.
  • Payment requests: As long as the employer is legitimate, you should not ask for upfront payments or your financial details. You will never be asked to pay anything for a job interview or screening.
  • Incomplete job details: Lack of proper information about the company and a poor description of their services or jobs being offered is also indicative of a scam.

job offer scam

How to protect from this:-

  • Research the company: Closely evaluate a company by visiting its website and reading its reviews and any other available information.
  • Verify job details: Ensure that adverts contain clear and detailed descriptions of duties, requirements, and expectations of the job.
  • Beware of unrealistic offers: It is important to be skeptical of positions that are listed as too good to be true, don’t include common industry practices, or call for a low skill level.
  • Avoid upfront payments: All legal employers do not demand an initial payment of money before they offer you employment. It is always important to remember to never pay for a job offer or position regardless of the promise it holds.
Logeswaran Vishnukanth Changed status to publish August 26, 2024