Google Completed August 2024 Core Update


Google Completed August 2024 Core Update

Hey Folks,

Google completed the rollout of the August 2024 core update on September 3rd, 2024, it has taken 19 days to complete the rollout.

This core update resulted in rank fluctuations across the search results. Based on a recent poll done by an SEO expert, the majority of respondents have faced rank and traffic drops;

  • 41.1% reported a decline in rankings/traffic
  • 26.5% saw an increase in rankings/traffic
  • 32.4% observed no change

Meantime, a few who experienced a negative impact from the last September core update have recovered but it is limited to a few sites others they don’t see changes or a few noticed even more declines.



Verginiya Patrick Changed status to publish September 5, 2024