Did You Know Google Search Console Has Removed Google Analytics Data?


Did You Know Google Search Console Has Removed Google Analytics Data?

Hey Everyone, recently I read an article that Google is streamlining the Google Search Console data by removing the Google Analytics data from the search console. I would like to share a gist of this new update;

Google States that;

“With this change, we’re focusing on data from Search Console, no longer including metrics from Google Analytics. We hope this makes it easier to look up the details from Search Console Insights.”

🔥 Highlights of the Update

  • Search Console Insights will now only show data from Search Console, no more Google Analytics metrics mixed in. Google says this shift is designed to simplify the tool and keep things focused on one data source.
  • If you need your Google Analytics data, don’t worry it’s still available, just on the Google Analytics platform itself.


The update is already rolling out, so expect to see this streamlined version in your dashboard soon. Keep an eye on your dashboard for the changes✌

Verginiya Patrick Changed status to publish December 12, 2024