9 Addictions You Must Break

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9 Addictions You Must Break

Everyone has some specific habits that help to entertain and make them happy. Habits have Positive benefits and negative benefits. Nowadays there are lots of things to learn. but we do not have time due to addictions. Here I have mentioned some addictions that we should mostly avoid for our better day and better life.

  1. Comparison
  2. Compart
  3. Quitting
  4. Distraction
  5. Your Phone
  6. Waiting for the perfect conditions to start
  7. Procrastination
  8. Complaining
  9. Multitasking

If you’ve recognized that your addiction is harming various aspects of your life and you’re ready to quit, here are a few things you should know about stopping an addiction.

  • Add a simple gratitude practice to your morning/evening routine.
  • Turn your phone off 1 hour before bed.
  • Do not turn the phone on for 1 hour after you wake.
  • Commit your full focus to whatever you’re doing.
  • Do not lose your life to procrastination.

* Anything else you think about this you could mention here:

Mathushika Mathanakumar Answered question April 16, 2023

Yes keerthi, I agree with these points. I usually practising not seeing my phone in the mornings, since in my early days I was addicted to using the phone but one day I took an oath to myself not to see any notifications at the Mornings. After practising it my morning routine gets disciplined. Just wanna share my experience!

Verginiya Patrick Answered question April 4, 2023
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