Top Six Hacks to lower your Cost Per Clicks in 2024

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Top Six Hacks to lower your Cost Per Clicks in 2024

Are you tired of spending too much on your Google Ads without seeing the results for the dollar you spent, no worries here are the top six tips to lower your CPCs

  1. Improve your quality score – Higher quality scores lead to lower CPCs focusing on creating high-quality relevant ads and ensuring your landing pages provide a great user experience.
  2. Use Long-tail Keywords – Focus on longtails keywords to lower your CPC and to attract more targeted traffic
  3. Focus on Ad Relevance – The more relevant your ads are, the higher your quality score will be leading to lower CPCs
  4. Optimize your Bidding Strategy – Set automated bidding options and optimize your bidding for specific time and location
  5. Use Negative Keywords – Add negative keywords to avoid irrelevant searches
  6. Test Ad variations –  Conduct A/B testing on your ad copy to ensure which performs well

Are you interested in learning more, check out my recent masterclass on Tips to lower your CPCs 

Verginiya Patrick Changed status to publish 3 days ago