How To Optimize Images For SEO: 10 Tips To Follow

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How To Optimize Images For SEO: 10 Tips To Follow

10 Image SEO Hacks That Will Make Users Love Your Website

As we all know, website users don’t love slow-loading sites. In fact, they are willing to wait only a few seconds for a site to load before leaving. With this in mind, website owners must do everything they can to ensure their site loads quickly.

One of the ways to do this is by optimizing the images on their site. The process of optimizing images for better ranking in search engine results is known as Image SEO. The process of optimizing images for better ranking in search engine results is known as Image SEO. By doing this, website owners can increase their website’s traffic and improve their conversion rates.

Images are an important part of any website. Mostly people love pictures than text where it can make a website visually attractive. Do you know that images help you to rank higher in search engines?

Here are 10 tips on how to optimize your website’s images for better SEO:

  1. Create more unique images to get more clicks
  2. Find & Fix Broken Images
  3. Boost your website speed by optimizing images
  4. Make Your Images Responsive
  5. Optimize Image Names, Alt Text & More With Keywords
  6. Geotag Your Images For Local SEO Benefits
  7. Create An Image Sitemap
  8. Use Image Caching To Speed Up Your Site
  9. Add structure data to the images to make the easier for Google to understand the content
  10. Make Your Images Shareable

Images are a great way to make your website more visually appealing, but they can also help improve your website’s search engine optimization. Use unique images and images with context to get more clicks, optimize image names and alt text with keywords, and make your images shareable. By following these tips, you can improve your website’s SEO and attract more visitors.

Abirika Soolabanee Changed status to publish January 16, 2023