Get AI Powered SEO Alerts with New Feature!

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Get AI Powered SEO Alerts with New Feature!

Hi All,

In search engine optimization, we rely on website analytic reports to guide our strategies. We utilize various tools to assess the website’s status and take appropriate actions.

But SEMRUSH introduces a Copilot AI for gathering detailed website information, streamlining our analysis process. With this feature. we can get six different reports according to our website. Those reports are:

  • Technical issues
  • Broken pages
  • Rising competitors
  • New keyword opportunities
  • Link building ideas
  • Visibility drops Link building ideas And a lot more!

With these reports, we can make our SEO decisions easily. These reports are generated by AI. This feature is intended to save us time also. Adopting and utilizing new trends is making our work too easy! Try it.

Logeswaran Vishnukanth Answered question March 25, 2024

Thanks for sharing this! I wasn’t aware of SEMrush’s Copilot AI feature. The ability to get those six reports (especially the rising competitor and new keyword opportunity ones) sounds like a real game-changer for SEO analysis. I’ll definitely be checking it out!

Logeswaran Vishnukanth Answered question March 25, 2024
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