How To Shift To A Path Of Learning And Growth From: Fixed Mindset To Growth Mindset

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How To Shift To A Path Of Learning And Growth From: Fixed Mindset To Growth Mindset

What we believe and how we think are both influenced by our minds. By viewing failures and setbacks as opportunities for progress, you may believe that you can improve and achieve what you set out to do.

So, how can we go from being constrained by our talents and intelligence to finding freedom in their development? How can we commit to a lifelong journey of learning and development?

Upeksha Liyanage Answered question February 18, 2022

Growth mindsets understand the importance of persistence and determination. By changing the way you think, you can change the way you learn. While learning something new, view challenges as opportunities to grow, and view errors or mistakes as lessons learned. Try to redefine what failure means to you, and remember that patience is key.

Upeksha Liyanage Answered question February 18, 2022