How to Create a Backup for Your WordPress Website

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How to Create a Backup for Your WordPress Website

I want to share my experience of creating backups for WordPress site. This is something I always do, especially after finishing development or completing important tasks like integration. Backups are super important because if anything bad happens, like getting a virus or losing data, I can easily restore the website.

Here’s how I do it using the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. It’s very simple and anyone can follow these steps!
Step 1: Installing the Plugin
First, I install the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. Here’s what I do:

  • Go to my WordPress dashboard.
  • Click on Plugins > Add New.
  • Search for All-in-One WP Migration.
  • Once I find it, I click Install and then Activate.

Step 2: Taking a Backup After Development
After finishing the development work, I take a backup to keep everything safe. Here’s what I do:

  • I go to the left side menu in my WordPress dashboard and click on All-in-One WP Migration.
  • Then, I choose Export and select File to save the backup.
  • I download the file and keep it on my local computer (local host).

Step 3: Final Backup After Integration
When I’m done with everything, including the integration process, I take one final backup:

  • I follow the same steps as before: Export > File.
  • I always delete the old backup so I don’t get confused and it saves space.

Step 4: Saving on the Server
I also save a backup on the server. This way, I have a copy both on my local host and the server. If anything goes wrong with the website, I can restore it quickly.

Why Backups Are Important
From my experience, backups are super helpful. If something bad happens, like a virus or a mistake that breaks the site, I can restore the previous version without losing my work.

By doing this regularly, I make sure my WordPress site is always safe and I don’t worry about losing anything.

Nimesh Answered question September 18, 2024

Thanks for sharing your experience Sahana! Yeah maintaining a regularly backups are very important as you said. Additionally experts recommends to maintaining backups in three places.

  • Local backup – Keeping the backup on same server
  • Cloud backup – Storing a Cloud Storage services like AWS S3, GDrive, Box etc..
  • Offsite backup – Storing the backups on another server or portal physical drive.
Sahana Posted new comment October 4, 2024

Thank you so much for your insights!

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