How to Avoid Being a Toxic Friend

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How to Avoid Being a Toxic Friend

Hey folks! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

I recently read an interesting article about avoiding being a toxic friend, and I wanted to share some thoughts with you. It outlines simple ways to improve our relationships and be the kind of friend we all want to have.

Friendship is important, but sometimes, we might hurt those we care about without realizing it. Small actions can damage our relationships, even if we don’t mean any harm. Here are some simple tips to make us the kind of friends others can rely on.
1. Be Consistent
People feel stressed when they don’t know what to expect. Imagine a friend who’s supportive one day but dismissive the next, it’s confusing! Try to be reliable in your actions and mood. Manage your emotions so that your friends don’t feel like they’re walking on eggshells around you.
2. Don’t Assume Others Can Read Your Mind
Sometimes, we think our feelings are obvious, but they’re not. If you appreciate someone, say it! A kind word or a β€œthank you” can mean a lot more than you realize.
3. Validate Feelings, but Offer Perspective
When a friend shares their struggles, listen and show empathy. But don’t just agree with everything, they might need help seeing the situation in a new way. Ask questions like:

  • Why was this event stressful for you?
  • Have you learned something from this?

This approach can make them feel understood while helping them move forward.
4. Celebrate Their Wins
Friendship isn’t just about supporting each other during tough times, it’s also about sharing joy. When your friend achieves something, celebrate with them! Shared happiness, strengthens bonds just as much as shared struggles do.

By practicing these simple habits, you can nurture stronger, healthier friendships. After all, being a good friend is about treating others the way you’d like to be treated. ❀️

If you are interested to read the full article, visit here: How to Avoid Being a Toxic Friend. πŸ™Œ

Suriyakumar Sutharshana Answered question December 11, 2024

Thanks for sharing this! Sahana, 😊 I liked the point about celebrating your friend’s wins. It’s such a great way to show you care.

I’d also add that you should say sorry when you mess up. It’s a small thing, but it can make a big difference in fixing a mistake.

Suriyakumar Sutharshana Answered question December 11, 2024
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